RC India

General Topics => Beginners Zone => Topic started by: v2 eagle on July 02, 2013, 10:49:25 AM

Title: Need help for a newbie
Post by: v2 eagle on July 02, 2013, 10:49:25 AM
Hi Forum members,

this is ashok from chennai,
im completely a newbie, i recently started this hobby.ive been doing robotics for a long time, just to begin, i started with a flysky t6 TX and rx( recommended my hobby dealer as he said its good for beginners) and some servos to see if can jump in. inspite of my years of knowledge in electronics and microcontrollers im unable to set thing right. the TX and RX doesnt even shows any sign of working, dont know where to start and what to do. the documentation that comes with the tx and rx  isnt that enough. can you please help me to solve this issue to see whats wrong?
Im quite sure i didnt fried anything as ive been working with electronics for around 10 years.
my setup:
flysky t6 tx,rx
zippy 1000mah lipo
ths 25a esc
hextrinix 9g servos
please help

please feel free to contact me at ashokpkumar@yahoo.com, 91-7639856885

Title: Re: Need help for a newbie
Post by: mks on July 02, 2013, 11:15:53 AM
Dear v2,
please note that you have to bind the receiver to the Transmitter.. the process has been explaied previously also.. please follow.. thanks

Title: please help a newbie
Post by: v2 eagle on July 02, 2013, 11:21:17 AM
Hi all forum members.

this is ashok from chennai,
im completely a newbie, i recently started this hobby.ive been doing robotics or a long time, just to begin, i started with a flysky t6 TX and rx( recommended my hobby dealer as he said its good for beginners) and some servos to see if can jump in. i planned to make plane in future. inspite of my years of knowledge in electronics and microcontrollers im unable to set thing right. the TX and RX doesnt even shows any sign of working, dont know where to start and what to do. the documentation that comes with the tx and rx  isnt that enough. can you please help me to solve this issue to see whats wrong?
Im quite sure i didnt fried anything as ive been working with electronics for around 10 years.
my setup:
flysky t6 tx,rx
zippy 1000mah lipo
ths 25a esc with 2A BEC
hextrinix 9g servos
seems like the tx and rx needs some sort of programming prior to first use. the bindiing procedure given with the manual isnt working.
ive searched for the Web for almost all type of setups, but none is working.
Would be great if anyone could help me to make these servos just to move.
a sit  together tutorial on a Saturday would also be a good option if any flyers find some time to help a newbie.
please help...........

Title: Thanks All.....
Post by: v2 eagle on July 08, 2013, 04:28:29 PM
Thanks a lot Chan vivek, Rajashekar, and Shabir in helping me a lot in That Flysky radio this Sunday. im more than happy with the Advice from the veterans with lot of Ideas and suggestions.

Beginners: A quick trip to the Local RC club will save you a lot of time over internet. for example, you need to do the exact reverse of whatever given in the manual whenever you  buy anything from China. LOL.
Thanks all once again ...


Title: Re: Need help for a newbie
Post by: rcrcnitesh on August 04, 2013, 09:10:24 AM
who is your hobbydealer