RC India

RC Models => Boats => Topic started by: lastRites on April 08, 2013, 09:45:59 PM

Title: Parts for a diy boat?
Post by: lastRites on April 08, 2013, 09:45:59 PM
I have made quite a few air-boats, but they are not as dramatically fast as the conventional boats running around with huge cocktails behind them ;D So now I intend to make one around the 2200KV 2826 motor I have laying around or a 1550KV donkey motor.
I know there are any accomplished boat builders on this forum who can guide me   :salute:
I want to know what are different parts that I need to get to make my speedboat. I have gone through most of the great threads here, especially by VC and Roopeshkrishna. I am thinking of making the hull out of HD thermocole and covering with epoxy and glass fiber.

Would someone please list the parts I need to get for the boat? I will be getting everything from hobbyking as I have got some credit saved up there.  :P

Title: Re: Parts for a diy boat?
Post by: VC on April 08, 2013, 11:21:17 PM
We are talking cross purposes here. I am a skinflint and almost everything, except Tx/Rx, motor, servo, esc and battery, are built from scratch. I've tried using universal joints on my current builds and hope to achieve some success with them. Roopesh is on a different league and I certainly don't belong to the same platform. Maharana is a Maestro at classic scratchbuilding. There are others who have produced showroom quality builds. Scour the forum and you will find them. I remember a red speedboat, beautifully finished, damned if I can recall the builder. Hang on let me check.

Title: Re: Parts for a diy boat?
Post by: VC on April 08, 2013, 11:49:27 PM
Check these threads and contact the builders for advice on purchases of parts from HK:


You must definitely touch base with Maharana and Roopesh/Rathi Krishna (whichever Ego state is on the ascendant now) they have a wealth of knowledge to share.

Title: Re: Parts for a diy boat?
Post by: lastRites on April 09, 2013, 10:26:19 AM
The third thread you listed is mine :P
I am quite comfortable building airboats.. I just need to know the parts I need to get before I can start building my boat. Stuff like the prop shaft, propellers, stuffing tube etc. As I said earlier, I have gone through most of the other threads, but I am yet to come upon a parts list. I used to use a ball point pen refill for a flex shaft when I was a kid, but I don't think it would work with a BLDC :P
There are a lot of little bits that go into a prop driven boat, and am afraid if I order on my own I would leave out some part. As always I am on a shoestring budget and ordering a second time is not a luxury I can afford :P

Title: Re: Parts for a diy boat?
Post by: lastRites on April 09, 2013, 07:53:53 PM
I have read up some threads and these parts seem to be the basic building blocks of a simple boat:
1) Hull
2) Rudder Hardware
- rudder blade
- mounting bracket
- control linkage
3) Drive Hardware
- drive shaft
- coupler
- stuffing tube/box
4) Prop
5) Motor
6) ESC
7) Servo
8) Receiver
9) Battery

Now I am unsure about the drive gear part..

Title: Re: Parts for a diy boat?
Post by: lastRites on April 12, 2013, 09:23:02 AM
Anybody has any detailed pics of their boat's drivetrain from which I can get a better understanding of the parts??