RC India

RC Models => Cars => Topic started by: jeremy.2231 on October 29, 2010, 12:43:16 AM

Title: anyone knows how to build a PCB for RC car?
Post by: jeremy.2231 on October 29, 2010, 12:43:16 AM
hi everyone... i've noticed that this website gives more importance to planes and helis... anyways,im from kolkata... was interested in this and came upon this resourceful site. i feel i should make a car myself to better understand it's working,rather than buying a readymade one...although the latter option is cheaper! anyone has any idea about making the circuit board etc...

Title: Re: anyone knows how to build a PCB for RC car?
Post by: anwar on October 29, 2010, 01:38:54 AM
I had people complain multiples times that this site/forum has too much talk about cars !  :headscratch:  8-)  Go figure !

Anyways, you have to make your intentions very clear so that people can assist you :)

Are you planning to build a radio controlled car, or one what is with wired control ?  Radio controlled would add significant complexity.  You cannot make general statements, and expect people to hand-hold you starting from scratch. So read up relevant material here and on other forums, and ask specific questions.  For example, you may ask how I can build a speed controller ?  Or how do I control the movement of a servo ?  I hope you get the idea.

Please note that I am not trying to discourage you at all.  Just guiding you to ask the right questions, so that everyone here can attempt to help you :)

There are threads here about people doing DIY stuff with cars.


I am sure there are other threads also that can be useful to you... but you have to break your project down into pieces, and take a step-by-step approach.  The word "PCB" alone is too vague.

Title: Re: anyone knows how to build a PCB for RC car?
Post by: jeremy.2231 on October 29, 2010, 01:58:38 PM
hello anwar... well you rightly pointed out the weak points. no problem. for starts,im a commerce student in a reputed college... i took science till tenth then shifted to commerce... a decision which was not mine. anyways,i do have basic knowledge of electronics and making things,the rest i learn from the net and have been doing weeks of research before stumbling upon this site...

i have also consulted my engineering student friends on this... so... im not a techie but i am very interested in this... and also to promote this in the area where i live since most are unaware of rc hobbies...

getting back to  my query,i want to clarify that instead of doing things the easy way and 'buying' a rc toy,it would be more fun and educational to build and assemble it...that's why i wanted answers... any idea where to get started? once again anwar... thanks... :)

Title: Re: anyone knows how to build a PCB for RC car?
Post by: rajathv8 on October 29, 2010, 02:19:01 PM
Hey you dont have to be an enginner or anything :) All you need is interest. I would suggest making a non propotional rc first. All you need is a few elect components , motor , donor toy for wheels,chassis etc.

Title: Re: anyone knows how to build a PCB for RC car?
Post by: anwar on October 29, 2010, 03:35:22 PM
I guess we need to start from the basics.  The fundamental question is, "what do you want the PCB to do in the car" ?  What are its intended functions ?  And the answer has to be more detailed than to "run a car" :)

Title: Re: anyone knows how to build a PCB for RC car?
Post by: traxxrc1 on October 29, 2010, 06:30:14 PM
first thing RTR are expensives than kits though cheaper than self made models.
Making a self made model is good for only those who can benefit from it as a tech project.
If you really want to build it yourself so that you can learn how it works i would highly recommend you to please buy a self building kit which will be a lot more cheaper and better in almost all aspects.
Arpit Singh

Title: Re: anyone knows how to build a PCB for RC car?
Post by: jeremy.2231 on October 29, 2010, 11:03:45 PM
any idea how much will a low cost DIY should cost? im more into heli's than cars... thanks for the info arpit...i guess a kit would be the first step...

Title: Re: anyone knows how to build a PCB for RC car?
Post by: KALYANPRODHAN on October 30, 2010, 09:20:11 AM