RC India

General Topics => Chatter Zone => Topic started by: anwar on June 07, 2012, 07:42:12 PM

Title: Denzel Washington in "Flight" - Trailer
Post by: anwar on June 07, 2012, 07:42:12 PM
Seems like a very interesting decision by the pilot to avert certain crash and destruction.



Title: Re: Denzel Washington in "Flight" - Trailer
Post by: VC on June 07, 2012, 11:26:59 PM
With Zemeckis and Washington, this is surely going to be a "Must Watch" and a "Must Download" for the collection. Thanks Dada. Is this based on a real story?

Title: Re: Denzel Washington in "Flight" - Trailer
Post by: rcpilotacro on June 08, 2012, 08:28:41 AM

Written by John Gatins (“Dreamer: Inspired By a True Story,” “Real Steel”), FLIGHT tells the redemption story of “Whip” (Washington), a commercial airline pilot who pulls off a heroic feat of flying in a damaged plane, saving 98 lives on a flight carrying 106 people. While the world begs to embrace him as a true American Hero, the everyman struggles with this label as he is forced to hold up to the scrutiny of an investigation that brings into question his behavior the night before the doomed flight.

Title: Re: Denzel Washington in "Flight" - Trailer
Post by: rohitgupta322 on June 08, 2012, 08:39:38 AM
I had read this somewhere, I don't remember where, but it said that this film is inspired by the story of pilot Robert Piche and of the Air Transat Flight 236. It was featured in one of the episodes of Air Crash Investigations wherein the pilot made an emergency landing after it lost all power due to fuel exhaustion. It burst 6 tires while landing and the pilot glided the Airbus 330 longer than any other commercial aircraft. Piche was immediately praised as a hero but later he and his co pilot were assigned partial responsibility for the incident.

Title: Re: Denzel Washington in "Flight" - Trailer
Post by: coderbanna on June 08, 2012, 08:44:41 AM
danzel is an awesome actor. just awesome.

Title: Pilot's actions in the movie "Flight"
Post by: anwar on November 19, 2012, 03:41:51 PM
What was the rationale behind the pilot (played by Denzel Washington) in the movie "Flight" ? 

Taking a passenger jet inverted sounds like a crazy idea.  Have you watched it already ?


Title: Re: Denzel Washington in "Flight" - Trailer
Post by: sushil_anand on November 19, 2012, 07:02:45 PM
For whatever reason, (I have not seen the movie or parts thereof) the plane was pitching downward. Asking for "down" trim and rolling to inverted, would be equivalent to "up".

Only logical reason I can think of - other than for making a spectacular movie!

Title: Re: Denzel Washington in "Flight" - Trailer
Post by: AEROVISHWA on November 19, 2012, 07:56:54 PM
ratings..info and some trivia on the movie...

rated 7.5/10(IMDB)

also got a HD download from tor***s :thumbsup: ( dont wanna get into trouble)

Title: Re: Denzel Washington in "Flight" - Trailer
Post by: rcpilotacro on January 22, 2013, 03:28:24 PM
more of AA ( alcohol anonymous ) story than an aircrash investigation or a movie on 'Flight', disappointment all the way