RC India

General Topics => Chatter Zone => Topic started by: taksh on July 21, 2018, 09:45:06 AM

Title: DIY Multiwii arduino nano experience & Need help in rewinding motor
Post by: taksh on July 21, 2018, 09:45:06 AM
I go again for flying after crash.
F450 with multiwii + arduino nano + mpu6050 with worst double sided tape.
Lesson i learnt : vibrations are enemy of Quadcopter.
Quad was unbalance and moving in one direction but i still using only throttle.
After 2-3 hovering and worst landing, in 4th start i forget about front of quadcopter because one people was asking questions and i am thinking what to say & quad moving and just crossing boundaries of park and bal pathra tree was there and move throttle stick to down slow but then there is no condition. I was think what do do and in thinking, quad stuck in tree and moved throttle stick down and unarmed the quad.
and i start running and fumes are coming. i think my battery will be not available for my blu baby plane then i called few people and 2 people come to see and help me. In 1-3 minute, i put started transmitter on ground and people helped me  in getting quad and quad was in my hand  and transmitter was in one person. He started moving stick. I am safe from propeller because quad was unarmed then i removed the battery. One esc burst because of kante of bal pathre tree and new A2212 motor is not spinning because of esc.(mounted on arm for today flight).
Both esc and motor was hot at the time of incident.
But i got experience of flying quad when i never fly quad in pc i mean simulator.
Best  thing is i am able to hover quad for few minutes.

Special thanks to rastsaurabh uncle for araldite idea.
My quad arm was broken in first flight then i fixed arm with araldite for today.


Now i need help in rewinding A2212 motor because 2 x A2212 are not working.
I am also searching on google.