RC India

General Topics => Chatter Zone => Topic started by: Anjan on March 01, 2010, 03:19:37 PM

Title: Nes emulator.
Post by: Anjan on March 01, 2010, 03:19:37 PM
Hey guys
happy holi.
I got a chinese nes emulator to kill some time.it a psp clone, only in looks.can play videos,audio,ebook n best is can play all the nes(nitendo entertainment system aka 8-bit video game).
Mario,contra,double dragon n all.
Having a blast.

Title: Re: Nes emulator.
Post by: ujjwaana on March 01, 2010, 04:25:50 PM
is that a PC program like FCUltra, FewwNes, Nesticle etc or dedicated "Handheld" device ?  If device , do send the URL

I have revisited my fav games like Contra, Spartan, DeadFox, Ninja Guiden and other whose 'Cassette' I couldn't afford in school days  :'(

Man they are great stress buster... we had small group of NES fan at my last company and we used to have Gala time with tournaments as well. The best thing with them, they are not 'addictive' like Unreal, AOM etc, you can back to work when ever you want.

Title: Re: Nes emulator.
Post by: Anjan on March 01, 2010, 06:37:56 PM
its a handheld device (:|~.download the .nes roms of your fav games copy to the device n play.u can even connect it to tv and play not only games but also .avi movies.havn't tried that yet.
the pic is not good quality.sorry for that.
its available on ebay as jxd 300b,jxd 1000 or jxd 2000 depending on your budget.
i got it off the local electronics market for 1800 bucks.

Title: Re: Nes emulator.
Post by: ankur on March 01, 2010, 08:14:46 PM
do we have a rc sim for it????

Title: Re: Nes emulator.
Post by: Anjan on March 01, 2010, 09:32:02 PM
They play only 8 bit video game roms.

Title: Re: Nes emulator.
Post by: ankur on March 02, 2010, 10:23:51 AM
then also it is possible that  it has a video game type rc sim
i have a collection of more than 1500 roms but never bothered to see if it has one