RC India

RC Equipments => Radios and Receivers => Topic started by: anwar on March 25, 2009, 07:41:36 PM

Title: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: anwar on March 25, 2009, 07:41:36 PM
What mode do you fly ?  Mode 1 (Throttle on right) or Mode 2 (Throttle on left) ?

Do you pinch the sticks with two fingers (thumb and index fingers), or just use the thumb ?

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: anwar on March 25, 2009, 08:27:18 PM
Not to start a debate, but if you are planning on doing 3D flying with helis, mode 2 makes the stick movements much simpler as compared to mode 1. 

One of the common moves in 3D heli flying is something called a piro-flip, where the heli is rotating on its tail along with going from upright to inverted and back at the same time.  This move is very easy to do on mode 2, as compared to mode 1.  Just a pointer to someone getting started, especially in Helis.

Here is a sample video of a heli doing piro-flips.


And here is a video that shows the difference in stick movement between mode 1 and mode 2 while doing piro-flips.  In mode 2, the right stick just needs consistent rotation in one direction. In mode 1, the right stick needs a figure-of-eight like movement, which is tough to do consistently.


Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: chanvivek on March 26, 2009, 10:57:20 AM
Used to fly Mode 2 Thumbs.  But literally forced myself to change to pinch mode.  This gives me much more authority and control over the sticks.  Thumbs only is easier but i felt it was not very accurate.  As i like to come real close to the ground on inverts and knifes, i cannot compromise on accuracy so adapted myself to pinch!!

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: anwar on March 26, 2009, 11:28:23 AM
Strange enough, I am currently trying to switch from Thumbs to Pinch !   :o    I was going to post an update here as soon as I am done (currently practising on the sim with the pinch method as much as I can).

While doing significant 3D that requires continous precise movements, I realized that thumbs make it easier to take the sticks to any extremes faster, but does not offer the level of precision that I was looking for.  Pinch also felt more secure, in terms of the finger (thumb) slipping off the stick (especially on hot sweaty days). I have had it happen to me couple of time, that is when I started seriously considered moving to pinch.

I will change my vote when I am fully on pinch  ;D

Some other threads where this is discussed are posted below.  In general, pinch in favored for precise control by most people (especially 3D heli fliers, even though heli 3D champions like Lukas Riva and Tareq AlSaadi are all thumbs!)



Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: chanvivek on March 26, 2009, 11:43:21 AM
Hey thats weird... even i had to work my a** off on a sim before i had got rid of the thumbs only mode!!  Took more than a month!! But now am fine!!


Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: Agni on March 29, 2009, 09:50:41 PM
i am a mode 1 flyer and i used to pinch the stick......  ;)

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: gauravag on March 29, 2009, 10:21:39 PM
I use Mode 3 with Thumbs.
Left stick - Elevator + Ailerons
Right stick  - Throttle / Rudder .
I learnt on an old Futaba that had the Throttle on the right, so sticking to it.

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: anwar on March 29, 2009, 10:27:22 PM
That was a surprise  :o

Poll updated !

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: Rao on April 27, 2009, 03:28:23 AM
I use Mode 2 and Pinch. However I also use a Tx Tray with a neck strap and belted to my waist. ;D

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: Pikle6 on July 04, 2009, 07:18:12 PM
i use mode 2 with pinch and look to continue it as i feel very comfortable with it kind of habituated

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: allthatido on September 20, 2009, 03:10:49 AM
Mode 2 Pinch for me too ;)

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: anwar on December 08, 2009, 10:12:41 PM
Bumping the topic for the sake of newcomers....  note that "Mode 2" has distinct advantages in heli flying, and "Pinch" gives you more precise control.

Please vote if you have not done so already.

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: ujjwaana on December 09, 2009, 12:34:04 AM
+1 Chan .. having played for long on Force Feedback Game Pads (NFS eta all), I started with my  Futaba on thumbs (Mode 2, again more due to video games circa 1986 Atari 2600). But I agree to Chan that using thumbs I some time move the perpendicular axis a little while moving the stick. With pinch, though slower movements, but I don't touch the other axis. May be it is due to my thumb which is proportionally smaller than what normally people have (murderer's thumb).

Well its only SIM for me for the while. Desperately looking for place to start flying small foamies. Jakkur passes are miles away I fear.

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: jerry on January 08, 2010, 07:55:38 AM
I think in US mode 2 is common. When I got a mode 1 Airtronics RDS8000 2 years back I had a hard time to get help from my fellow club members..  because they all use mode 2.. Anyways after 2 months I got the Spektrum DX7.. and I love it :)

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: sushil_anand on January 08, 2010, 12:12:16 PM
Mode I or II? Purely dependent on which mode your trainer flew/flies. Though Mode II seems a little more "like the real thing".

I feel "pinch" is certainly a better way but needs a tray and longer sticks. I had this set up many years ago, before hibernating. Have made a tray and some long sticks. Will send you pics when operational.

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: vinay on January 08, 2010, 01:39:42 PM
Mode 2, Thumb. Got used to mode 2 when playing f22 raptor game on my comp. I was using the arrow keys like the right stick of mode 2. Now I cant even think of mode 1 or pinch  ;D

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: anwar on January 08, 2010, 02:25:30 PM
I feel "pinch" is certainly a better way but needs a tray and longer sticks. I had this set up many years ago, before hibernating. Have made a tray and some long sticks. Will send you pics when operational.

The vast majority on our field use "mode 2 pinch", they just extend the sticks a bit (supported by most standard radios these days). 

No trays used, although it is a bit kludgy how the radio is held (without the thumb and index fingers). Of course, almost everyone uses a neck strap.

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: Speedy on January 11, 2010, 06:25:33 PM
I use mode 2 and thump that is the way you can easily control.
If someone are left handed may be mode1 will work for them ;D

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: Vasudev on February 07, 2010, 10:13:43 AM
i used to fly mode 1 and thumb
i have a couple of futaba transmitters 7 chp and 4 EX both are mode 1
i am forced to mode 1
because i got these TX  before knowing about different modes  ??? ???
anyway i m feeling very much comfortable in mode 1
 :thumbsup: :) :D

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: sushil_anand on February 08, 2010, 11:35:53 AM
anyway i m feeling very much comfortable in mode 1

You - or anyone for that matter - will feel comfortable in whatever mode you learnt to fly! And vice-versa ;D

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: anwar on March 10, 2010, 01:17:26 PM
Here is a "mixed pinch and thumb" flier :


Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: flying doc on March 10, 2010, 09:46:22 PM
All the guys on my field are mode 1 and we are all thumbs. Don't know if I'll need to change after some time or not. My Guru is also mode 1 and he is one of the good ones flying helis, and that too mode 1.

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: sahilkit on March 10, 2010, 10:31:42 PM
mode 2 pinch

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: PankajC on March 11, 2010, 05:11:15 PM
Mode 2 and thumb...

BTW, I am not using a strap as the radio did not come with one. So the question is

1) is it required (any distinctive advantage)?
2) where does one get it?


Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: sushil_anand on March 12, 2010, 12:16:10 PM
A strap helps in taking the load of the transmitter off your hands making it easier for your "pinch" or "thumbs" to use.

A broad camera strap should work well.

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: vinay on April 19, 2010, 09:10:16 AM
I am a mode 2 thumb guy, When ever I take my heli for flying, even though I am confident hovering, my thumbs start to shake due to nervousness, and this shaky ness shows mostly on the throttle stick, pitch pumping the heli, this happens initially for a few mins and settles down. I noted that pinching on the stick reduces this.

So should I change to pinch? Is it worth all the effort to change? what do you guys have to say?

PS: I have tightened the throttle stick a little so that it does not move easily. still should I change to pinch? I have seen on the videos that most of the expert flyers are pinch.

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: anwar on April 19, 2010, 12:51:02 PM
I have had a plane crash because my thumb slipped.  I have been in the process of moving to pinch for a while now, but I tend to forget that many times.  When I remember it, I fly pinch, and that is my destination ! 

When you are moving to pinch, a harness on the radio really helps.

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: vinay on April 19, 2010, 02:07:51 PM
When you are moving to pinch, a harness on the radio really helps.

What harness? You mean a neck strap? Or some people make a whole platform to rest their hands like Rao has done.

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: anwar on April 19, 2010, 02:21:27 PM
Yes.  Harness or neck strap.  Unlike thumbs, pinch makes holding the TX a bit awkward, so the strap/harness helps.

The whole tray thing is pretty rare, although seems to be a bit more prevalent in Europe (based on Youtube videos!).

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: Harveer on April 24, 2010, 01:41:35 AM
MODE 1 THUMBS :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: cessna172 on April 28, 2010, 11:34:33 PM
I use mode 2 and recently changed from thumb to pinch . I used to find the thumb easier , but i feel safer with pinch.

O yea, and a neckstrap really makes it comfortable to hold the tx if useing the pinch method.

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: vinay on April 29, 2010, 06:58:05 AM
Its really becoming pain for me to change from thumbs to pinch. I was not even able to hover my 450 using pinch. I think as the saying goes - Practice makes man perfect.

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: anwar on April 29, 2010, 01:11:30 PM
+1 !  Still "in between" thumb and pinch.  Lack of adequate sim time these days is a major factor.

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: sushil_anand on April 29, 2010, 04:35:02 PM
From my earlier experience, pinch with extended sticks, gives you the best control. But this necessitates the use of a tray. It feels a bit strange, in the beginning, and - apparently - more sensitive. But once you get used to it, you are hooked!

I have made a few sticks for Futaba and am making a tray for my 9Z also.

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: bmblb on September 09, 2010, 09:14:28 PM
 struggled with mode 1 for some time  :banghead:.......then discovered mode 2  :thumbsup:

 its all about conditioning....IMO M2 is better for beginners.

 for the strap.....just pick up a ID card tag. Costs 20/- and easily available at any stationary shop.

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: vinay on September 09, 2010, 10:20:04 PM
ID card tag presses on the neck after some time of use. Camera straps are way better. Believe me I have tried all. By the way Welcome to MODE 2 Club  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: nephilim on November 05, 2010, 05:50:21 PM
hey..guys..i want to go for a simulator..but i'm not sure whether to go for mode 1 or mode 2..since this is my first sim..i feel i can get used to either one but which would u say is more generally used in india?? and that i should practice on??..i feel mode 2 would be more convenient.. :help:..but open to suggestions..

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: anwar on November 05, 2010, 06:07:15 PM
Mode 2 would put you in the majority.  This helps when you need help from others with testing your stuff. Mode 2 is also more natural (also closer to real/fullscale planes).

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: sujju on November 05, 2010, 07:43:48 PM
i thought mode 1 was more popular in India?...

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: anwar on November 05, 2010, 07:44:33 PM
Not any more, it seems ?

Just look at the poll results above (as a sample) !

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: Harveer on November 06, 2010, 12:02:25 AM
Mode 1.

Flying Plane & Heli's both on mode 1.

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: anwar on November 06, 2010, 12:04:48 AM
A heli flier on our field (from Lebanon) switched from Mode 1 to Mode 2 over the past couple of months.  He used to do 3D in mode 1, but struggled quite a bit the piro flip.  He says it is like being born again !  Crashed once also in the process.

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: findvikas on November 06, 2010, 05:08:55 AM
"mixed pinch and thumb" on Mode 2
I use pinch for throttle and thumb for elevator

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: Harveer on November 07, 2010, 11:56:35 PM
A heli flier on our field (from Lebanon) switched from Mode 1 to Mode 2 over the past couple of months.  He used to do 3D in mode 1, but struggled quite a bit the piro flip.  He says it is like being born again !  Crashed once also in the process.

Heli 3D by japanese pilot Tooru  :salute: (Mode 1) Thumbs, like me  :giggle:


Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: anwar on November 08, 2010, 12:53:50 AM
Of course, it can be done... it us just quite a bit more difficult.  And combined with that, there are many maneuvers which start with the piro-flip, with minor stick variations, like piro-hurricanes, piro-tictocs etc. 

Title: Why Mode 2 is preferred
Post by: vinay on January 17, 2011, 10:10:10 PM
But whatever you do, go for the Mode 2 version, this one is Mode 1.

Why forcing mode 2? are all the people in kerala mode 2?  :headscratch:

Title: Why Mode 2 is preferred
Post by: anwar on January 17, 2011, 10:15:52 PM
Would about 85% in the world (and India) work better than all of Kerala ? ;D

See the poll here : http://www.rcindia.org/chatter-zone/mode-1-or-mode-2-pinch-or-thumb/  (Please vote!)

And this : http://www.rcindia.org/chatter-zone/mode-1-or-mode-2-pinch-or-thumb/msg37343/#msg37343

Title: Why Mode 2 is preferred
Post by: vinay on January 17, 2011, 10:30:20 PM
Most of the old timers who does not report here are mode 1  :) I see more than 50% at jakkur and iisc Mode 1

Title: Why Mode 2 is preferred
Post by: anwar on January 17, 2011, 11:14:45 PM
Do a full survey on even a city like Bangalore (which is not just Jakkur), and you will know what is the current situation, and where the future is heading :)

And I am quite skeptical even about Jakkur.  If you consider the 3ch helis, then it is a washout !

Title: Why Mode 2 is preferred
Post by: vinay on January 18, 2011, 08:07:29 AM
Ya correct, all the NEW ones are entering mode 2. But still when I wanted to learn helis, there was only Rajesh who could help me out! I agree recommending sensible mode  ;D

Title: Why Mode 2 is preferred
Post by: saikat on January 18, 2011, 09:04:51 AM
Another tidbit - all portable UAV control boxes are mode2 - this
is standardized.

The IAF teaches its uav pilots on mode2

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: anwar on January 18, 2011, 10:29:51 AM
Interesting... didn't know that !

BTW, requesting everyone to vote in this thread !

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: netsecrets00 on July 19, 2011, 11:03:21 AM
Mode 2 Pinch

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: harsha on July 19, 2011, 05:54:06 PM
mode one thumb

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: Sumeet on July 19, 2011, 06:36:48 PM
Mode 1 Holding with pinch. It helps to get precise controls.

I think choosing modes in Tx when starting to fly depends on the way our brain thinks. Some people have their brain's left hemisphere more powerful while others have the right one being more powerful. What do you people think? Its like some people use their right hand and some do left hand to perform certain works.

I read something....   http://www.metaphysics-for-life.com/brain-hemispheres.html

Please express your feelings about it.....   :)

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: sushil_anand on July 19, 2011, 09:34:51 PM
There seems to be some confusion between a poll and a post. Please use the former for your "vote".

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: shubhambilawar on July 19, 2011, 10:26:21 PM
i m also using mode 1,as i learnt flying on mode1
some times i use pinch[ when necessary ]
now comfortable in mode 1
tried mode 2 on simulator but it confuse me while landing

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: santoshC on January 29, 2012, 09:31:54 AM
Mode 2 thumb .Well i use my 9x for boat and hovercraft(no pistol radio :( ) 

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: Aeroresurrect on June 24, 2012, 11:42:24 AM
Is RC heli flying easier than slow park-flyer ? I have some heli practice (novice actually) and now my first rc plane ...

Title: Transmitter MOde
Post by: Doc Dinesh on August 07, 2013, 04:25:45 PM
I am planning to jump in to RC flying. What mode transmitter should I go for. My view is Mode 2 is better. What is the suggestion?

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: anwar on August 07, 2013, 04:42:10 PM
Merged into existing thread on same topic.  Please read this thread, should answer your question already.

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: khan007 on August 07, 2013, 05:00:51 PM
look my friend. u may find a better way in pinching or using thumb. the best way u will get ..continue with which is more confortable for u

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: ppcruise on January 23, 2015, 12:56:37 AM
Personally I think Pinching (mode1/mode2 - doesn't matter) might actually be more precise with some serious practice but being a PS3 FPS gamer, I find mode 2 with thumb action as a natural progression.. Just my 2 cents.. I think this issue is more of a personal preference more than anything else..

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: ppcruise on January 23, 2015, 12:58:35 AM
Just for the complete noob - Any decent programmable radio will allow you to switch between mode1 and mode2.. Thumb or pinch is more of a personal preference from there onwards..

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: chintal on January 23, 2015, 02:57:53 PM
Mode 2 pinch

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: Rcjabalpur on January 23, 2015, 04:01:15 PM
Mode 2 , pinch

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: sooraj.palakkad on January 23, 2015, 05:29:13 PM
Mode2 , Thumb .

@ppcruice, Many programmable radios allows you to change b/w stick modes . My Flysky FS-T6 has mode1 to 4, default being mode2 :)  .

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: SK1701 on January 24, 2015, 02:25:51 PM
I have my own way of flying my quad. I use thumb on the left stick and pinch on the right stick (Mode 2).

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: Rcjabalpur on January 24, 2015, 04:06:14 PM

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: sahilkit on January 25, 2015, 09:03:42 PM
Mode 2 Pinch

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: subhashjk0508 on January 25, 2015, 09:09:13 PM
mose 2 thumb, mode 1 pinch(still on sim)!!

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: sapam on May 29, 2015, 11:16:38 AM
Hi All,

Very Soon, I'll be starting my RC Hobby and will be getting my first RC Controller.
So, am very curious about which mode I should fly with MODE 1 or MODE 2.

I'll be getting JR XG8 and it comes with MODE 1 by default (for some good reason).

Also, I'll be flying planes and Gliders mostly, and that is where my interest are.

And as I am starting Clean, is there any suggestion which mode I should learn based on my flying requirement?


Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: dhruvafreak on May 29, 2015, 01:15:15 PM
If you a Right hand person then you shall go with MODE 2 as all the precise movement of the aircraft (Aileron and elevator) are controlled from Right hand stick in mode 2 Controllers.  And Throttle and Rudder on Left which doesn't requires much input .

And Vice-Versa .
And good choice on the Radio  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: sapam on May 29, 2015, 01:50:58 PM
@dhurva, thanks for the suggestion.
I am also thinking of taking the simulator kit along and maybe spend first few days on the Simulator and try to get accustom to the controller and also will check out both MODE 1 and MODE 2, and see which one I am comfortable with.

Not directly related to this Thread, Any suggestion on my first Plane? I want something I can abuse with, as for sure it'll definitely crash quite often while learning, so I don't want to spend on something expensive initially.


Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: dhruvafreak on May 29, 2015, 02:08:33 PM
Few weeks on sim will be good .
I would say Skysurfer (Multiplex : Easystar) or J3 Piper is a good start.

Title: Re: Mode 1 or Mode 2 ? Pinch or Thumb ?
Post by: kunal mathur on February 26, 2017, 10:53:35 AM
Mode 4
I think as a beginner, it's easy for noobs who have less exposed to ailerons control