RC India

General Topics => RC General Topics => Topic started by: prateek13 on January 21, 2011, 02:01:15 PM

Title: Flower Showering???
Post by: prateek13 on January 21, 2011, 02:01:15 PM
Hi everyone !
the principal of my school has told me to fly my glidiator on 26th jan after flag hoisting (:|~ (:|~ (:|~
i came up with some ideas 8-) 8-), like i am towing the national flag :salute: and after wards releasing from mid-air through a parachute ;D.Also i want to put a small box having flower petals and showering them by opening the box with a servo when needed.Please suggest some design and mechanism for making the box  :headscratch: and any other ideas are welcome.

Title: Re: Flower Showering???
Post by: traxxrc1 on January 21, 2011, 02:07:21 PM
Wish my princi asks me to jump an RC over the flag....:P

Title: Re: Flower Showering???
Post by: akky on January 21, 2011, 02:20:17 PM
hope this help

Title: Re: Flower Showering???
Post by: ved on January 21, 2011, 02:28:22 PM
I think you should make a same compartment as you have made in F117.

Title: Re: Flower Showering???
Post by: phoenixsunil on January 21, 2011, 02:35:20 PM
I think above should work, please check CG properly, reduce your power and fly closer to the top of the mast for maximum impact - please practice before for a few times to get the angle of aproach and executing right.  Also, I suggest - carry dried flowers to reduce weight and you can carry more flowers. Preferably, carry bright coloured ones - red is best. Carrying the national flag under the belly of the craft will also increase drag - keep the size small to take care of that - you can print and paste it on a hard surface and if possible paint your craft in the tricolor.  Thin paper/cloth flags will increase the chances of losing control and the sense of direction.

Title: Re: Flower Showering???
Post by: prateek13 on January 21, 2011, 02:41:27 PM
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actually sunil i am not going to drop flower on the flag as it is very close to yhe building but drop the flowers on the guests. and the flag has to be towed and not stuck

Title: Re: Flower Showering???
Post by: izmile on January 21, 2011, 03:04:16 PM
but drop the flowers on the guests.

I would suggest against flying over people. You wouldn't know when Mr.Murphy would show up. Its better to shower flowers over the flag. Make your approach so that even if you loose control the possible crash site will be away from the spectators. Dissucss the fight plan with experienced flyers or may be in this forum.

Its always better to be safe and over cautious.


Title: Re: Flower Showering???
Post by: phoenixsunil on January 21, 2011, 03:08:15 PM
hmm.. I get it, please make sure that the flag is cloth only - preferably make it yourself to suit the craft. Also, if you are looking at dropping flowers - I suggest you carry small flowers viz., jasmine etc., because you carry more with jasmine and the risk of dropping in chunks is avoided - like in rose petals.

Your risk is even more now because you have to fly over people and moreover honoured guests. Please practice until your approach, flyover and flyout pattern is not perfected.

All the best.

Title: Re: Flower Showering???
Post by: ujjwaana on January 21, 2011, 03:55:11 PM
+1 Izmile. Most of RC competitions put penalty if at any time the plane comes close/towards spectators.

I would like to differ from Phoenix here. A Plastic flag like ones sold put indoor would be better as they would be way lighter than the 'Khadai' (cloth) one. Plastic one would also cause lesser drag than cloth one.

Akky, your drawing in not clear but ensure that you emulate a 'Latch' mechanism (and smoothen the latch pin movement) used with many battery hatches and canopies. they are damn easy to build with a steel rod, ball pen sprint and few plastic/alum strips for clamp.guide mechanism.

Title: Re: Flower Showering???
Post by: iamahuman on January 21, 2011, 04:18:54 PM
I would suggest against towing the flag.I would say,go ahead with the flower drop,not over the people as has been suggested.

For some reason,I do not think that the idea of a national flag being towed by an airplane would appeal to the guests as they would probably be like old guys from the days when the flag was held in very high respect.

You are one lucky guy.Make the most of your chance

Title: Re: Flower Showering???
Post by: flyingboxcar on January 21, 2011, 05:04:00 PM
For models all the towed banner are perforated. And for obvious reason. You can not have a perforated flag (again for obvious reason) If you are not familiar with flag code please look up on web and you would find.

I would suggest if you go with idea of towing something, paint the tricolour (not the flag) or words like jai Hind or something appropriate on the net cloth. A release mech is must so that you can jettision the banner in case you are in trouble.

And BTW there are still enough people (young and old) in the country who hold the flag very dear 

Title: Re: Flower Showering???
Post by: stunningstar on January 21, 2011, 06:01:26 PM
I think RC heli would be appropriate for this job. Ask any experienced RC heli guy from this forum to help you on that day by visiting your school...

And for next year you can do of your own !!! ;)

Title: Re: Flower Showering???
Post by: Shrikant on January 21, 2011, 06:13:37 PM

Besides the technicalities, towing the flag is ok... But releasing one by a parachute? Doesn't sound very respectful for a national flag, does it?

Title: Re: Flower Showering???
Post by: iamahuman on January 21, 2011, 06:33:26 PM
exactly what I meant to say.