RC India

General Topics => RC General Topics => Topic started by: Dreamliner on January 03, 2010, 01:24:41 PM

Title: Fuse length
Post by: Dreamliner on January 03, 2010, 01:24:41 PM
Hi guys,

I recently crashed my Applebox sailplane during highstart launch.  I modifed the front fuse with nosecone as a pure sailplane.  Radio compartment is damaged and I am repairing it.  I intend to increase the length of radio compartment so that it has more room and it will increase fuse length by 1-2 inches more than in the plan.  However, CG will stay at specified place as per the plan.  My question is whether increasing the fuse length ahead of wing will make any difference in flight charactersitics?   Also, keeping in mind that we have to make tight turns in thermals.  The Applebox has a tendency  to enter in spins quickly after a semicircle as compared to other gliders I have flown.

Title: Re: Fuse length
Post by: anwar on January 03, 2010, 04:42:30 PM
I have no prior experience with this, but other than shifting the CG, the effect should be minimal.  If you can prevent shifting the CG, this 1 to 2in extension should not cause issues. 

It would have been a bigger concern is there was an engine/motor at the nose (moving a heavy item further out would have some significant impact on CG), but since you don't have any, this sounds like a benign change.

Hoping to hear from the other experienced folks here on this subject.

Title: Re: Fuse length
Post by: ankur on January 04, 2010, 02:06:08 PM
no or negligible effects according to me