RC India

General Topics => RC General Topics => Topic started by: bhaazee on March 18, 2012, 05:49:53 PM

Title: Telemetry for flying Heli
Post by: bhaazee on March 18, 2012, 05:49:53 PM
Hallo RCIndia,
   I am a complete beginner and have been going to theories, articles, forums and hope to start building my robot soon. However, in the mean time numerous doubts are flashing in my mind. One of them is using telemetric device to fly a Heli

Telemetric devices are available as transmitters and receivers. Assuming my heli is a very basic version, which means I only need to yaw, pitch, roll and vary the powertrain speed of my Heli. Since these functions involve meagre data interaction with the controllers in the Heli, why can't I use a telemetric device instead of a RC transmitter to fly my Heli

One main advantage of using telemetry would be, I can fly my heli over very long distances (> 3 miles)

Would like to read your views on my thoughts
