RC India

RC Equipments => Tools, Materials and Building Techniques => Topic started by: RocketSpawn on February 15, 2011, 04:28:17 PM

Title: Non specific materials
Post by: RocketSpawn on February 15, 2011, 04:28:17 PM
I was wondering what all are the 'around the house' materials, that are not specific to RC but still are useful enough.

Things of my particular interest include motors. Pager motors, CPU fans, and 3V dc motors from kids' RC cars.
By "3V dc motors" I mean the ones that are present in chinese toys costing anywhere b/w :Rs: 16 to :Rs: 800-900. I have many as I had a habit of taking them out of my toys as a kid. They look somewhat like this, but with a mustardish coloured metal covering rather than gray(I wonder if a photo makes sense at all, because I don't know any specifications)


Are these of any use at all?

Also, is the foam used in sofas any useful? And what is it called(for future reference)?


Title: Re: Non specific materials
Post by: abhay on February 15, 2011, 05:26:41 PM
hello Rocket Spawn,
these motors truly have a great importance in rc, but their application is limited to boats,cars,etc. These are not powerful enough to provide enough torque for conventional propellors. power to weight ratio is far beyond the requirement. further RnD can definitely help.The magnets within are too weak.

However, i had been successful making a Non rc thermocol Glider using pager motor and an I-pod battery.propellor was made using the pvc sheet used in packing shirts,in the collar portion. The glider flew straight , and kept on flying and unfortunately i never got it back.Still wondering where did it land. :headscratch:
It was one of the success but with a very bad impact on my mind and pocket. :banghead:

i have many of these motors with me.