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RC Equipments => Tools, Materials and Building Techniques => Topic started by: realm wrecker on July 19, 2010, 09:18:35 PM

Title: Paint-for fuel proofing and for decoration
Post by: realm wrecker on July 19, 2010, 09:18:35 PM
Hello Fellow RC enthusiasts,
I'm relatively new to the hobby and while building my plane from the kit over the past few days, I've learnt a lot. I plan to document all that i learnt (through videos/text) soon and put it up for the benefit of fellow users/newbies. Might i add that choosing to buy a kit over ARF has proven to be a great opportunity in terms of learning.

Anyways, not digressing too much, i went on to dig info on paints as best as i could. Here's what I've discovered so far. Experienced users, please add to the content and answer some questions i couldn't find answers to:

Fuel proofing your plane:
- The name of the paint is NC clear. It is available at paint shops that deal specifically with automobile paint. Since the exterior of your plane needs to be spray painted, You're best off getting it done by the professionals at your nearby car garage. They would know best what ratio of thinner/hardener to mix with it. It's a common component they use in car garages.

-Try to avoid using The spray can (aerosol) version of NC clear. Just buy a normal can of paint which can be used in a compressor-sprayer. Reason:
 a)This pertains to a fellow ABS plane user (not balsa) who reported this experience: When he used a spray can (duco paint, NC clear), the surface developed  
    bubbles, which in due course of time started to peel off the surface.
 b) The spray can already has a pre-mixed qty of thinner, while on the other hand, using a compressor painting-machine lets you use your own qty of thinner to
   mix with the clear paint.
 c) I spoke to a technical lead at a paint distributor's office who said the spray can, or aerosol was meant more for touch-up jobs and the paint can versions
    were what should be used to build native base layers.

1) What is the difference between NC clear and PU clear (poly urethane). Which one is better suited for fuel proofing?
  all i could find out were that PU clear is more expensive (around 3X plus) and is meant for industrial apps. I was suggested NC clear by fellow flyers.But if possible, I'd like to know why exactly. The tech lead shared some technical documentation with me, but that didn't give any info on resistance/reactivity to methanol, castor oil etc.

2)more importantly, Which brand/type of paint is best suited for doing graphics design type of work on the plane? I have an ABS plane, not balsa. Any of you who have done this before, please comment.

3) Please mention the brand of NC clear paint you used. I have heard of Duco, ICI and magic so far. Any specific brands to avoid (i.e. anyone has had adverse experience with) ?

4) If any of you have done this at home, kindly share what qty/ratio of thinner did you add to the paint, and what other ingredients did you add to the NC clear before final spraying.

Hope this helps :)