I have two numbers of Hobbyking KK2.1 Multi-rotor LCD Flight Control Board . Item is brand new and received few days before from Hobbyking.
http://hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uh_viewItem.asp?idProduct=49254When I ordered this item the price was 29.99 USD but it seems the price is now 34.74 USD.
The landed cost of the product is Rs.2050/piece (without any customs) and I am selling this for Rs. 2150/piece + shipping at actual.
If you buy two numbers the price is Rs. 4200 + shipping.
Item will be shipped from Chennai by my brother. If you are in Chennai you can pick it up from him and avoid shipping charges.
I am not doing this for profit instead I am experimenting something (not on the products purchased) for some purpose.
+Rs.100 on the landed cost is for my brother for his service of packing and shipping.
Sorry, If I hurt any LHS sales. I have not paid any customs so I cannot charge the buyer.