Configuring FMS simulator

Started by rcforall, March 28, 2009, 02:05:32 PM

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Hi ,
Normally most FMS simulator Boxes come with very basic if not any instructions hence here are some details on how to configure a FMS Box interface :


1.   Plus Simulator into computer's USB port.
2.   For downloading the required software (FMS Flying Model Simulator), please go to either of the following links :

3.   Download any version, but the recomended version is : Version 2.0 Beta 7
4.   After the software of FMS is downloaded and installed kindly open it by clicking on the desktop shortcut of FMS.
5.   Click on controls on the top toolbar and select "Analog Control" which will open a pop-up window, select "JOYSTICK INTERFACE".
6.   After selecting "JOYSTICK INTERFACE" click on the mapping/calibration button.
7.   Move the sticks of rudder, throttle, elevator and aileron; and confirm that the numbers 1 to 4 in the Channel box mapping section tally with the graph in the channel section.
8.   Once you have tallied the numbers click the calibrate button and fellow the instructions from there on till the calibration is complete.
9.   Close window after calibration is completed and start flying.


Some one with more experience with SIMs  can add how it should be configured for HELI After step 7 above .

Sai : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


The setup is the same for heli. One thing which confuses some people is that to fly helis in most simulators, your radio should still be in airplane mode! All the mixes should be off as well. The required mixing for helis is done by the simulator itself. Some higher end simulators do allow you use mixes from your transmitter.


I have been using FMS but dont find it sooo use full because graphics arent good enough and also the control responses arent realisitic enough , it would seem better practising on a Realflight simulator!!


Dear Mr. Sai,

Do you have a Simulator to buy on your shop? I could not find it! Can you provide me a direct link to browse?

I want to buy one, needed urgant!

Awaiting your reply....//MEROg



Merog ,
Posted it under the e bay shop thread .
I have listed it for you use now.
Sai : vehicle telematics, ADAS, IoT , Drones


i think this may be of some help to guys using PC sound card interface for simulator work

Today might be a great and wonderful day. It depends on you.


imin an urgent need of a free simulator can u plz suggrest me sum links                                                                                                              smile   


A friend of mine has vista and is struggling to get FMS loaded on it... have you got the info on how to get it going on VISTA???

I have suggested the following to him as read on the net;

In some cases Vista users will experience an error which prevents the simulator program from running. If this happens, follow the below steps;

After running the program that has been downloaded if you have problem starting it, close the same and DOWNLOAD the following file which is at the webpage free to DOWNLOAD;

We realise it is long but it does take you directly to the download. Do not miss the “_” underscore between -dll-files and new.php

In case problem persists, get in touch with your local radio control flying club and ask one of the members for help.


Quote from: smile on January 22, 2011, 03:36:14 PM
imin an urgent need of a free simulator can u plz suggrest me sum links                                                                                                              smile    

The FMS flight simulator for use with the dongle is free to download at the site...
 The version to down load is Alpha 8.5
First, you should uninstall any older versions of FMS or FMS 2.7 and then install FMS 2 alpha 8.5.
It is the latest version and will fly both FMS 2.7 and FMS 2.8 models. If you haven't got a controller or joystick, it can be flown with keyboard too just to try, however a transmitter is the right way ahead.

Once fms is downloaded, it is a good idea to download some extra models and store them in FMS files.
I found a very helpful and friendly fellow aeromodeller Gary Gunner and all is available at his web site;    

More models can also be added from;
click on the model download alfa version software and save in;
c/ programmes/ fms/ models.

(When you click on a .zip file for downloading a model, choose to Open the file and then EXTRACT the contents of the file to the C:\ Program Files\ FMS\ Model directory. )
You can also try the MX2 MXR at You will need to register to download for free. Any light profile 3D airplane
With a USB cable connected to the PC flying on a Flight simulator.

The drivers for the USB cable are built into Windows XP and Vista. It will be recognised by the computer as a HID / Joystick controller and should be seen through the control panel under 'game controllers' (device will be a 'PPM').

The controller or Transmitter/  Tx (for short) must be calibrated first.

Open fms from desktop.
open controls:
click;  analog control
opens menu; highlight joystick interface

click ; mapping /calibration
Move transmitter sticks in 4 directions ( channels 1,2,3,4 should move up and down)
calibrate transmitter, then click next and check if the following sequence is maintained or adjust the same accordingly;

MODE 2 Set up (Throttle on left)

Rudder; channel 4 (left thumb; left & Right movement) This controls the flat turns Left or Right especially when on ground.

Throttle  ; Channel 1 ( left thumb up and down movement) Controls the speed. Up is more, down is less.

Aileron  ; Channel 2  (Rt thumb Left & Right movement) Controls left or right banking when airborne.

Elevator ; Channel 3; (Right Thumb Up and down movement) Controls up or down. When stick in up position, the plane dives down when stick is pulled towards down position, the nose goes up so plane climbs upwards.

If the controls do not work when trying to calibrate, close FMS, remove USB, re-connect and try again. Once calibrated, click finish.

Press F2 to re-start, select the model to fly, press enter/return.  
START FLYING AND ENJOY................

Enjoying your flight!!!!!!.

When you feel you have had enough and want to start making your own simulator program you will need to buy "REAL FLIGHT"

The video at below link shows the best simulator in the market,

You can watch this video to see what this can do.....
Above site will explain what it can do.  The simulator comes with a controller, allows one to create and add more models etc.


Is there a emulator for Realflight 3 and 4 the one i have is not working for rudders so i am stuck HELP any one
I have real flight 5 but no emulator
I also have a Dynam 6 channel simulator box so i need this to work with real flight 3 or 4 or 5
Help please


I have downloaded FMS 2.0 Beta 7 and raido is FS-TH 9x.
i bought a cable which has auido pins at both it sufficient to start with FMS or i need to buy a usb cable?


You don't need a USB cable all you need is smartproplus ppjoy software to work with the audio cable on FMS just download the software and follow the instructions on their site and you will be enjoying FMS in no time.

Helis and Quads ROCK !!


I have installed PPjoy 32 bit software (my pc is 32bit) with 4 axices and 2 buttons as they mentioned in the website .
Next smartpropoplus software downloaded as per the instructions.
but after connecting the cable,it is detecting the channels if i try mapping/calibrate.

what might be the problem?please help in this..


I had a similar problem I had to remove my Transmitter module from the Back of the radio to correct it.
Hope this solves your problem


I removed tx module but it couldnot solve the problem.

when i connect the audio cable to pc and radio whether it shows any popup in the system saying cable is connected?

For me its showing anything and the channels are not detected when i select the joystic interface->calibrate.


I removed all PPjoy and Smartpropoplus software and reinstalled only smartpropoplus for FMS.

Its working fine now.


good going kiran. hope you start flying soon.


This is all soooo complicated  :'( :'( :'(

I want to use free FMS with my HiTec Sport. I've downloaded the software, tried on both XP & Win 7, but always get some @%*%# error

HELP...someone please!



So what seems to be the error message, what cable are you using?
Helis and Quads ROCK !!


A ready made cable bought from rcforall, made by flysky China



call me it will be faster 9811171361
Helis and Quads ROCK !!



Got it!  {:)} ;D

A .dll file was missing, I put it in the FMS Directory. Thanks Helly for the help offer!
