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« on: October 31, 2016, 08:47:16 PM »
Plane Lover
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I usually make this type of model for beginners.
It's very easy to build and fly.
Complete model is made of Coro and compressed thermocol.
As i learned this hobby by balsa models and then came on electric setup after 2 years of training.
We were taught first chuck glider and catapult and free flight
than we came to Apple box glider which is a 1.5cc glow engine powered, this model gave us a good understanding of landing like approach ,flare and dead stick landing.
I'll tell about dead stick landing in different post in detail.
Than we got trained on .46 glow powered models, it was completely different than what we learned so far.
One major difference between Engine and electric models is the speed and momentum of the Aircraft
If you once get trained on engine and do maneuvers on them than electric flying is like you are driving a Horse-cart after driving a F-1.
However i like electric now on daily basis coz they are so compact and user friendly.
Here is the video-

Avoid background music , it was running on FM Giggle
For landing skip to 2:00
« Last Edit: October 31, 2016, 09:02:05 PM by Antriksh » Logged

« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2016, 08:50:00 PM »
Plane Lover
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City: Jaipur
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here is another video in which one of my student flying

« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2016, 08:54:58 PM »
Plane Lover
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City: Jaipur
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Here is the another video in which i made Apple box electric virsion by coro sheets.
One positive thing is that student learn landing very well with this as it'a a glider and we have electric setup so unlike a engine we can go again if we overshoot or undershoot.
You can see the high G-turns and Loops which are not usual on a glider like this but ribs frame structure is quite rigid.
It've been two years noe i still have this particular glider in my workshop but don't have time to fly.

Kindly avoid the watermark of video editor.
For landing skip to 4:10

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