Saw this exiting project on making your own LiPo balanced charger using PIC MCU. at intriguingly simple design (PCB/2 Char LCD display) I always wondered how difficult should it be to reverse engineer Turnigy/Sky/Thunder AC6/BC6 chargers which are themselves ripoff of costly chargers like iMax AC6/BC6.
If more people are interested, they can bulk order the critical part - the two PCBs, which should not cost more than Rs 250.
Total cost of the project : < Rs 1200 (even when compared to Rs 3700 for 50W charger, when this is like a 150W one).
I am currently working on another PIC/ARM based multi-tester which includes a Servo Tester, Rx servo o/p tester, Tachometer and few more extensions. again, multi layer PTH PCB design is causing me problem and I have to re-design the PCB myself for a single sided home brew PCB fabrication.