RC India

RC Models => Multirotors => Topic started by: VC on January 06, 2013, 11:58:57 PM

Title: Scratchbuilt Quad - Maiden/Test Flight.
Post by: VC on January 06, 2013, 11:58:57 PM
She seems stable, I need more practice and guts (lots of it) to let her rip. Wish me luck.

Camera purchased and tested but not yet installed.


Title: Re: Scratchbuilt Quad - Maiden/Test Flight.
Post by: sundaram on January 07, 2013, 12:23:45 AM
Nice VC. too good for a scratch build  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: Scratchbuilt Quad - Maiden/Test Flight.
Post by: VC on January 07, 2013, 12:29:38 AM
Thank you Sir. Over to you, whenever you wish - She would be happier in your hands.

Title: Re: Scratchbuilt Quad - Maiden/Test Flight.
Post by: arun.sreelakam on January 07, 2013, 07:20:59 AM
VC bhai cool quad :o :o... i like the hand launch a lot, which shows the stability...  :salute: :salute: :salute: :salute:

Title: Re: Scratchbuilt Quad - Maiden/Test Flight.
Post by: rohitgupta322 on January 07, 2013, 07:39:31 AM
Nice VC bhaiya, very stable!

Title: Re: Scratchbuilt Quad - Maiden/Test Flight.
Post by: veloci on January 07, 2013, 07:42:21 AM
Quality build VC sir!

Title: Re: Scratchbuilt Quad - Maiden/Test Flight.
Post by: VC on January 07, 2013, 11:31:04 AM
Thanks all for the encouragement.

Quality build VC sir!

Veloci, my friend, I will disagree with here. By any means this is NOT a Quality build. In fact, I wanted to prove a point with this rough shod / slap dash construction. I did not go in for any complex calculations nor did I use slide callipers or vernier scales while taking measurements. A simple foot ruler was used.

What I am trying to say is, the construction of a basic Quad is EASY. Some people will tell you that it involves a lot of complexity and calculations - here is proof that even an idiot like me can build and fly a Quad with ease. The KK board with the LCD is all forgiving and takes up a lot of slack.

My advice to all out there (and I probably speak for the Maestro Ashta Sir) Go for it - it's EASY! You just need some good advisors to guide you through the build. I had a solid team backing me up - Ashta Sir, Gusty, Sandy, V.K. Singh, Adiboy and Subhash Reddy. :bow:

Title: Re: Scratchbuilt Quad - Maiden/Test Flight.
Post by: sundaram on January 07, 2013, 12:20:30 PM
I had a solid team backing me up - Ashta Sir, Gusty, Sandy, V.K. Singh, Adiboy and Subhash Reddy. :bow:

Any Time VC  :thumbsup:  :thanks: I am sure Pleasure is all ours.

Title: Re: Scratchbuilt Quad - Maiden/Test Flight.
Post by: satyagupta on January 07, 2013, 12:22:05 PM
Looks nice, good work for the scratch build and maiden VC sir

Title: Re: Re: Scratchbuilt Quad - Maiden/Test Flight.
Post by: RcBharat on January 07, 2013, 01:17:22 PM
A few queries VC Sir
1. Why is that your are launching it from your hands?
I feel its dangerous

2. The tuning seems to be perfect as I'm not able to notice any considerable vibrations.
What is the control board used?

Sai Krishna

Title: Re: Scratchbuilt Quad - Maiden/Test Flight.
Post by: satyagupta on January 07, 2013, 06:37:00 PM
1. Why is that your are launching it from your hands?
I feel its dangerous

Even i feel its very very dangerous, had a very very very close call once :( :(

Title: Re: Scratchbuilt Quad - Maiden/Test Flight.
Post by: VC on January 07, 2013, 06:46:52 PM

1. That is just the way I am. I know it is dangerous and that is why I have posted a warning about it on Youtube. Yet again I do it as I am comfortable with it.

2. The board is the HK KK 2.0 Board with an LCD panel:


Satya: I agree, but then again, every time I hold a fully charged LiPo in my hand, I am asking for trouble............

Title: Re: Scratchbuilt Quad - Maiden/Test Flight.
Post by: veloci on January 07, 2013, 09:03:39 PM
If it flies well, there's nothing better. Agree now VC sir?   ;D

Title: Re: Scratchbuilt Quad - Maiden/Test Flight.
Post by: VC on January 07, 2013, 09:14:47 PM
 :thumbsup: Thank you, Veloci, my friend.

All items procured and ready for the Hexacopter. Much bigger with more powerful motors. Should start work on it soon. In the meanwhile, I will keep practising with this baby.

Better videos to follow, soon, I hope.

Title: Re: Scratchbuilt Quad - Maiden/Test Flight.
Post by: RcBharat on January 07, 2013, 10:21:23 PM

1. That is just the way I am. I know it is dangerous and that is why I have posted a warning about it on Youtube. Yet again I do it as I am comfortable with it.

Common Sir, You need to be safe today to fly tomorrow again.

Title: Re: Scratchbuilt Quad - Maiden/Test Flight.
Post by: VC on January 07, 2013, 11:06:50 PM
Thanks for your concern Sai, howver, I reiterate - that is the way I am. Learnt how to ride a motorcycle when I was 40+, that too on a beast (Yamaha RD 350 HT) that I have grown to treasure and love. Did a Paragliding stint without a helmet at the age of 45. Crashed my Opel Corsa at 150 K.p.h. the same year. Lived through it. What is a small plastic prop going to do to me that hasn't already happened? But then again, that is my philosophy and I don't force others to follow the same. It is my way of life. Living each moment as it comes peppered with a wee bit of danger. I am about to complete my half century in a few years. Let me take my chances while I can. Stop preaching to me, I am not listening.

What is life without a little bit of spontaneity and a dash of insanity? After all, I am the Enfant Terrible. ;)

Perhaps I am setting a bad example to the youngsters reading this........sorry about that. ;D


Title: Re: Scratchbuilt Quad - Maiden/Test Flight.
Post by: lastRites on January 07, 2013, 11:35:27 PM
Very nice ;D
I tried what you did(prior to reading this post) and received a scar that I can cherish for life :P Wasn't even flying, was just checking the frame..
Can you post some close up pics of the frame please? :)

Title: Re: Scratchbuilt Quad - Maiden/Test Flight.
Post by: VC on January 07, 2013, 11:46:57 PM
What's a man without a few scars?

Title: Re: Scratchbuilt Quad - Maiden/Test Flight.
Post by: lastRites on January 08, 2013, 09:18:22 AM
If only my mum would agree :P Are those coro tubes triangular with the flutes running along the lengths? A very clean build!

Title: Re: Scratchbuilt Quad - Maiden/Test Flight.
Post by: VC on January 09, 2013, 01:05:30 AM
Nope. The Coro tubes are not triangular (They are not tubes, just flat pieces of Coro) . The main strength comes from the aluminium arms.

Title: Re: Scratchbuilt Quad - Maiden/Test Flight.
Post by: Hellyflyer on January 09, 2013, 09:48:57 PM
Nice Build VC sir,

I would suggest putting both Green props at the bottom or at the top of the X

Title: Re: Scratchbuilt Quad - Maiden/Test Flight.
Post by: VC on January 10, 2013, 12:06:17 AM
I have oriented them as suggested by the LCD display readout of the KK V2 Board. What is the advantage of doing it your way?

Title: Re: Scratchbuilt Quad - Maiden/Test Flight.
Post by: veloci on January 10, 2013, 12:46:51 AM
VC sir, Sry to gate-crash. I think wat he really meant was to use two diff coloured props in the front n the rear. This helps in knowing the xact orientation of the quad in-flite. Right hellyflier?

Title: Re: Scratchbuilt Quad - Maiden/Test Flight.
Post by: VC on January 10, 2013, 01:30:05 AM
That makes sense. Must try it the next time I fly. Thanks Guys!

Title: Re: Scratchbuilt Quad - Maiden/Test Flight.
Post by: Hellyflyer on January 10, 2013, 05:29:23 PM
Yup that's exactly what I meant  :)

Title: Re: Scratchbuilt Quad - Maiden/Test Flight.
Post by: VC on January 10, 2013, 05:31:00 PM
Hey Guys, overwhelmed by the fact that a 30 sec video has elicited so much of support and encouragement from all of you. Grateful.

Title: Re: Scratchbuilt Quad - Maiden/Test Flight.
Post by: rcpilotacro on January 15, 2013, 11:53:16 AM
quite stable, and very tentative flying. V2 should be good

Title: Re: Scratchbuilt Quad - Maiden/Test Flight.
Post by: VC on January 15, 2013, 11:57:32 AM
'Tentative' is an understatement...................