RC India

General Topics => RC Events => Topic started by: saurabh724 on November 29, 2013, 05:56:13 PM

Title: Casual Meetup for drifters on Sunday (December 1st) in New Delhi
Post by: saurabh724 on November 29, 2013, 05:56:13 PM
Me and Siddharth are most probably meeting on this Sunday in South Delhi, its just a casual meeting, basically we will checkout each others' setups and maybe some practice.. Also we will be discussing about the track we plan to make, and other ideas for future drifting endeavours.

Anyone with a drift car is most welcome to join, the space we have is too small for anything else.. but if you want to show off your car or have even a remote interest in drifting, you're welcome to join. (Maybe you can intrigue us with your nitro setups, )

To make sure we dont put up any expectations, there isnt going to be a lot of action.. but a lot more discussions.

Please PM me for details if you're interested, we are only two right now, but you never know, if we see a couple more.. and our ideas resonate.. we could start a local drift club, something like i posted before, in any case.. from now onwards we plan to do this on a more regular basis.


Title: Re: Casual Meetup for drifters on Sunday (December 1st) in New Delhi
Post by: sidS15 on January 07, 2014, 03:45:32 PM
and i would like to add, if any one wants to contact me or saurabh about anything related rc drifting they can contact us through our facebook ids-
Sidharth Talia (there is only one) and Saurabh Bhardwaj(there are many, so you might wanna contact me instead ). if you want to join us for drifting you are welcome (no off roaders please. however if you have an on roader as well and want to drift then you can bring the off roader when we are making a video or something.)
