Title: Offroad race at Panvel, Mumbai Post by: anwar on January 21, 2010, 06:54:57 PM Sent in my Siddharth of Tritech :
RC offroad race at the track in panvel on 7th feb. Last time we had 36 cars. This time we are looking at more than 50 cars. Reporting Time: 9:30 AM Sharp. You need to arrive atleast 30 mins before your category. Schedule below: 10am - 11am Electric Open - Might be divided into 1/8th and 1/10 scale 11am - 12am - Nitro Buggy/Truggy Open 12pm - 1pm - Nitro 1/10 Scale open (including SC Trucks) 1pm - 3pm - Nitro Monster truck Open ( Max 8 cars per race. Top 3 of all in finals) 3pm- 4pm - Petrol Open - 45 Mins endurance Race. All drivers will be given 10 mins on track before their category to setup on tune their cars followed by 3 practice laps. Races for Nitro cars will be between 20 and 30 mins. Electric Races will range between 10-15 mins. All Nitro Drivers must have a Pitman (for refuelling etc). All AM/FM Transmitters will have to be deposited on arrival. Entry fees is Rs 500 per driver (unlimted categories) to be paid in advance. Rs 700 will be charged for walk ins on raceday. Title: Re: Offroad race at Panvel, Mumbai Post by: anwar on January 21, 2010, 06:55:55 PM @Siddharth - Kindly attach the location map.
Title: Re: Offroad race at Panvel, Mumbai Post by: anwar on January 21, 2010, 07:03:49 PM Photos of the track on the HPI India Facebook page.
http://www.facebook.com/group.php?v=photos&gid=34111230655 |