Title: Setting throttle curve on Multiwii Post by: Darshan for multirotors on May 11, 2016, 03:16:37 PM Hello everybody,
I have a 250 quad having multiwii but the throttle curve is not set properly according to my tx(I do not have a programming cable for the tx). So now when I give the throttle a slight push after a certain height, it just keeps rising. Now, I was wondering how to set the throttle curve when I came across this setting in the multiwii GUI(See pic). I tried to search for it and many people are saying that you can set throttle curve using this. Can you guys tell me how do I adjust the EXPO and MID value so as to stop this sudden gain in altitude without moving the throttle? P.S. This pic is old and the escs weren't calibrated then. So please ignore the rest Title: Re: Setting throttle curve on Multiwii Post by: Darshan for multirotors on May 12, 2016, 04:32:23 PM Nobody knows about this?